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3 Native Advertising Benefits for Social Media Marketing

By: Melody Gandy-Bohr

In an ad-heavy world, native advertising is a great way to advertise to potential clients.

Native ads blend in with the content on a given page. This provides users with a seamless online experience. With social media, native ads appear in a user’s feed in the same style and format as a social media post.

Here are three reasons why you should add native ads to your social media marketing strategy.

Native Ads Are Relevant

If you have never noticed native ads in your feed before, it’s because they blend in so well! Native ads are in-line with subjects that your followers are already interested in.

According to HubShout, 85% of Internet users don’t mind native ads. Social media users who have shown an interest in coaching won’t be bothered your practice’s ad.

Native Ads Boost Engagement

Content needs to be engaging. Target an audience with an interest in your industry. Targeted ads will likely have increased engagement.

In fact, native ads are clicked on 53% more frequently than typical display ads. That’s the beauty behind native ads — they’re beneficial to both your business and your followers.

Native Ads Help Drive SEO

Many marketers believe that social media has an influence on search engine ranking. This means Google is paying attention to your trending social media posts.

This drives traffic to your website, boosting your practice’s SEO performance. Native ads can improve almost all aspects of your online marketing campaign.

Successful ads are baked into your social media content like chocolate chips in a cookie. They blend in enough to complement the cookie without taking over. And provide a sweet end result for your online marketing.

Contact CoachingWebsites today to learn more about using social media strategy. We would be more than glad to help.


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