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Online Reviews for Coaches

84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation from a friend or family member. But monitoring reviews can require a significant time commitment. Because of this, they can fall by the wayside.

Read this article to learn how you can revamp your reviews, then use them to improve your online reputation

1. Don’t Ignore Negative Reviews

It understandable to dread getting a negative review, but even a negative review can be turned positive. If you receive a negative review, there are three things to consider.

First, don’t ignore a negative review. Ignoring a negative review won’t make it go away and may give the impression that you don’t care. Second, remember to stay calm. Online reviews can get mean spirited, but don’t get defensive and always take the high road. Finally, respond to a review with new clients in mind. Address the dissatisfied client’s concerns and display a personal level of care to each review.

2. Thank Clients for Positive Reviews

A positive review means that a client took time out of their day to advocate for your practice. Thank them for it! This makes them happy and shows everyone else that you’re engaged with your clients.

3. Good Content Improves Reputation

The content you create for your website and other places on the web complement the authority of your positive reviews. Blog posts, a social media presence, and guest posting on other blogs create a solid body of content. You can also take advantage of audio and video content. This demonstrates your expertise and the care you have for your clients.

4.Be Easy to Contact

An easy way to improve the perception of your practice is to make it as easy as possible to contact your staff. A phone number, email, and contact form prominently displayed on your website is a must. You can also add widgets like chat apps and make sure to stay responsive on social media. Be sure to put special focus on your LinkedIn profiles, which is an effective social network for coaching practices.

5.Leaving Reviews Should Be Easy

If your coaching practice has a physical location, make sure to claim every online listing that your practice is listed on — especially Google. When your listings are claimed and have accurate information, it makes it easier for clients to leave their feedback about their experience with you.

6. Need Reviews? Just Ask

Simply asking for reviews is one of the best ways to get clients to leave them for you. Search Engine Land found that 70% of customers will leave a review when asked.

7.Display Positive Reviews on Website and LinkedIn

Be sure to display your best reviews on your website, preferably on the home page. See if you can ask for recommendations on LinkedIn, as well. This can be particularly effective if you coach business clients.

You want to make sure your best reviews are the first thing that new clients see. There is no marketing that is more effective than positive words from a previous client.

Managing your online review and reputation helps you build a positive online reputation that makes you stand out online.


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